Illustration owl in tree drawn with a stick, night time, quirky, inky line, watercolour.
Two owls drawings side by side, each one drawn with a stick dipped in ink. Helen Stephens owl illustrator

I drew the thick black lines in Saving Mr Hoot with a stick. A stick from a tree where an owl might live.

I like how unpredictable drawing with a stick is, it keeps life and energy in the drawing.

Drawing of two owls in a nest, nostalgic inky illustration, like Roger Duvoisin, Helen Stephens
An illustration of a little boy in wellies being carried cuddled by his dad. Quirky ink line illustration, warm and loving. Helen Stephens. Saving mr hoot, picture book.
Night time scene illustration of a group of giggling children by Helen Stephens. Mysterious illustration
Illustration of a little black boy and his mum in a 1960’s kitchen. Reminiscent of The Tiger Who came to tea. Ink line, watercolour, Helen Stephens
Saving Mr Hoot by Helen Stephens, picture book about an owl. The drawing shows a boy and his dad walking at night and an owl swooping in.

You can download my Virtual School Visit to see where I find my best sticks and you can draw Mr Hoot with me.

Here are some amazing Mr Hoot drawings done by a class who downloaded my Virtual School Visit.

Helen Stephens author and illustrator perfuming at the book festival, on stage, showing her picture book and drawing live. Dark auditorium, Cheltenham festival.

Me and Mr Hoot at Cheltenham Book Festival


